The latest install images for Archlinux (2008.04-RC) were released today and I figured I would make a quick tour for it.
In this release grub launches instead of the CD dropping you to a boot: prompt. The grub menu gives you a multitude of choices and I have to say that this simple change will really make a good first impression for first time users.
The tools menu gives you some useful items such as memtest86+ and even lets you play a few rounds of Space Invaders should you be interested in doing so.
The grub settings menu allows you to change your keyboard layout and grub's color scheme.
The entries in the help menu is fairly scarce at the moment, but should prove to be useful to people in the near future.
Finally, the options menu gives you the ability to boot from existing installs.
After booting you are obviously dropped to the login screen.
The installation procedure is pretty much the same as it always has been. However, the installer now defaults to the usage of UUIDs instead of sdX/hdX entries.