Whenever I am able to, I enjoy listening to various audio podcasts in order to help pass the time.
The podcasts posted below are the shows that I try to listen to as soon as a new episode is released. If I only recently started listening to something or I listen infrequently, it was not added to this list.
NOTE: Most of the podcasts descriptions within this post were taken directly from their corresponding sites in order to save some time.
2600: Off the Hook (Website | RSS | iTunes)
Off The Hook is a weekly show that is produced by 2600 Magazine.
2600: Off the Wall (Website | RSS | iTunes)
Off The Wall is a weekly show that is produced by 2600 Magazine.
Buzz Out Loud (Website | RSS | iTunes)
Buzz Out Loud features Tom Merritt, Molly Wood and producer Jason Howell, along with CNET's top tech experts reviewing the day's tech news. Each episode, the crew analyzes, interprets, and argues about what all this technology means and what it's doing to us.
Common Sense with Dan Carlin (Website | RSS | iTunes)
"Common Sense with Dan Carlin" is a blend of audio commentary and news analysis by one of the leading thinkers among today's politically independent crowd.
Cranky Geeks (Website | RSS | iTunes)
CrankyGeeks, hosted by PC Magazine contributing editor John C. Dvorak. Each week a group of expert panelists discuss the most controversial topics in tech.
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History (Website | RSS | iTunes)
In "Hardcore History" the very unconventional Dan Carlin takes his "Martian", outside-the-box way of thinking and applies it to the past
Dr. Kiki's Science Hour (Website | RSS | iTunes)
Dr. Kiki's Science Hour is an in-depth exploration of scientific topics ranging from climate change to nanotech.
MacBreak Weekly (Website | RSS | iTunes
Get the latest Mac news and views from the top journalists covering Apple today. Another great show from the TWiT Netcast Network.
No Agenda (Website | RSS | iTunes)
Adam Curry & John Dvorak's conspiracy related podcast.
Real Time with Bill Maher (Website | RSS | iTunes)
Bill Maher and his panelists are back to take on the contenders, and pretenders, all year long!
The 404 (Website | RSS | iTunes)
A pop-cult fix for a generation that grew up playing Nintendo and watching Saturday morning cartoons, the 404 podcast, with hosts Jeff Bakalar, Wilson Tang, and Justin Yu, gives you the latest news in gadgets, social media, video games, and movies with snarky commentary and the occasional tasteless joke.
The hello Show (Website | RSS | iTunes)
The hello Show is a podcast, hosted by David Kendal and Dave Lawrence, about Apple Macintoshes new and old, and about other Apple products, including Newtons, iPods, iPhones, and other products long gone by.
The Tech Guy (Website | RSS | iTunes)
No one does a better job of explaining technology, computers, and the Internet than Leo Laporte.
this WEEK in TECH (Website | RSS | iTunes)
Your first podcast of the week is the last word in tech. Join Leo Laporte, Patrick Norton, Kevin Rose, John C. Dvorak, and other tech luminaries in a roundtable discussion of the latest trends in high tech.
TWiT Live Specials (Website | RSS | iTunes)
Leo Laporte and the TWiTs go off the beaten path to bring you non-standard shows from the network, including live-on-location events, special interviews, shows in beta, and geek conference expeditions.